Saturday, October 07, 2006


God really blesses! I can testify for that! Before I came to Japan, I tried to search online for churches in Hach. I only found one link in English & I wasn't even sure whether it is near the area where I stay. I also didn't know what to expect from a church in Japan. I heard horror stories of churches that allowed their members to believe in Christanity & another religion like Shinto or Buddhism! So I prayed hard that God will provide me with a orthodox church & asked my family & church members to keep me in prayer too.

Well, He certainly led me to a church! I nearly got lost the first time I travelled to Hachinohe Christ Church. However by His Grace, I found the church & attended service there. The pastor,Kurakazu sensei has two daughters, Shinobu & Yurika who are both very fluent in English because they have studied abroad before. Thus they could translate things that I couldn't understand in the sermon that was delivered in Japanese. The two sisters also brought me shopping in Jusco & gave me a ride back. I'm sure God sent these angels to help me out...

Other people in church have also been very friendly. There's the ever-energetic Mari-chan who is my new playmate during lunch, the nice old lady who owns a truly beautiful Japanese garden, the generous lady who owns a bakery in Hach & the many other ladies who bothered to make gaijin like me feel at home.

The service style is quite similar to Barker Road Methodist Church. The songs that are usually sung during worship are also, to my surprise, quite modern songs like Hillsong songs. I feel very comfortable in this church. Thank you God!


M. said...

Hi Yen!
I'm so glad you are settling in so well and you have found a church so quickly too! Let me know how we can pray for you ok? in the meantime, i shall keep visiting your blog to keep udated on your life in Japan! Stay happy, teach well and keep cooking :)

yEn said...

thank you Mia! Missed your cakes!